If you have ideas for things that need to be fixed or improved, please email KentuckyGardensCleveland@gmail.com
Kentucky Garden Rules
2025 Garden Season
The following rules are meant to assist gardeners in participating in a community garden
that supports organic methods, collaboration through volunteering and fellowship. Please
feel free to contact members of the garden’s Steering Committee should you have any
questions. Notices and other communication will be posted in the shed, on the shed door
or on the web site – www.kentuckygardens.com.
The Kentucky Garden Steering Committee is informally entrusted by the City of Cleveland
and Kentucky Gardeners with the responsibilities of caring-for/stewarding the Garden.
When conflicts or issues arise between gardeners, we encourage them to work them out in
a respectful manner. The Committee may intervene and designate an informal group to
address such matters and make recommendations. This Committee process may lead to
recommendations regarding Rules/Guidelines that need to be followed or resolutions
regarding continued participation in the Garden. Decisions by the Steering Committee are
subject to appeal by those involved in the matter and the Steering Committee will decide
on such appeals.
The Kentucky Garden Volunteers will be held free from any liability for personal injury that may occur to participants in the program while working at the site.
Kentucky Garden has a commitment to organic methods of fertilization and pest control. You may not use chemical sprays or artificial fertilizers at your site. You will be asked to leave the garden if such sprays or fertilizers are used. The Ohio State University Extension Service is an excellent resource for organic and general gardening information that you may want to consult at 216-429-8200 or http://extension.osu.edu/.
Full plots (20’ x 20’ or 400 sq. ft.) are $25/season and half plots (10’ x 20’ or 200 sq. ft.’) are $15/season.
It is acknowledged that gardeners have the freedom to create their garden space as they choose within the parameters set by the rules of Kentucky Garden. It is also acknowledged that plot assignments are made or renewed each year. If a gardener wishes to add fixtures or non-compostable material to the garden, such as lumber, heavy blocks of stone or plastic trellis, the gardener must discuss these enhancements with the Steering Committee before bringing them into the garden. This discussion may result in an exit agreement between the gardener and the Steering Committee which will provide for removal of the non-compostable material if the gardener does not return to the garden or does not qualify for renewal of the plot the following year.
Gardeners who intend to continue in the next season will be notified in January (via website, email or letter) to make their intentions known to the plot manager (hutchinson.kentuckygardens@gmail.com) by January 31 st and attend the February garden meeting; returning gardeners who want to change their plots must submit their request in writing to the plot manager and this request must be approved;
For new gardeners, applications will be available on line and the web site will instruct them to attend the New Gardeners meeting in March. Plots shall not be assigned prior to the March meeting. Applications will be accepted only until the March meeting . After this, people will be directed to the web site in January of the following year. First time gardeners will be assigned half plots the first year. The maximum number of plots shall be two (2). Gardeners with more than that prior to the 2012 season shall be allowed to keep their plots. New gardeners will be required to attend an orientation session prior to receiving their keys; and
Increasing plots and new gardeners: Based on plot availability, any second year gardener with a half plot will get first preference to move to a full plot (also see rule 5). New gardeners will have second preference. Other returning gardeners shall have third preference in securing an additional half plot.
One method of pest control that we employ is regarding the bean beetle. Our current strategy is to delay planting of beans until after July 1. Bean plants will be removed if planted before that date.
Sharing in community work is required of each gardener: Ten (10) hours per plot per year for a full plot and five (5) hours per plot per year for a half plot. It is requested that you do more if possible. Community work must be completed by December 31st of each garden season. Please record your hours on the index card in the shed for credit. Gardeners who are faced with extenuating circumstances, as approved by Coordinator, have the option of paying off their hours at the rate of $10/hour. Such payment must also be made before the assignment of a plot.
Gardeners who do not complete their hours and have not communicated with the Coordinator may be able to return but only as new gardeners the following season and must pay $10.00/hr. for all unworked community hours of the previous season. Returning gardeners who did not do community hours will not be eligible for any
additional plots.
Remember that garden jobs change throughout the season. You may find out what work need to be done by checking any of the following:
a. the job list on the bulletin board in the shed
b. the Facebook page or KG website
c. members of the Steering Committee
Maintaining the path next to your plot(s) does not constitute community work.
Weeds and trash must be cleared from each plot and adjoining pathways regularly and taken
out of the garden. If you are into edible weeds, you may keep a few weeds in your garden for harvesting, but they must be kept within a small area. Invasive weeds should be removed from the garden. If you are not sure which weeds are invasive, please ask one of the coordinators or another experienced gardener. RECYCLABLES should also be taken home.
Composting in-plot can be achieved either by trench or bin method. A limited number of bins are available. Information on both methods can be found in the shed. If you choose to use the bins, you may want to consult with a neighbor to share in the work, area occupied by the bin, and the finished product.
Remember COMMON COURTESY: Plant within the boundaries of your own plot while allowing enough space for growth. Plant tall plants (in particular, corn) in the center of your plot so they do not shade neighboring plots. Keep pathways clear. Roll up hoses and hang them on the pipe.
KY garden has a policy against planting of trees in individual plots because of their root structures and shading of other plots. Individual trees are limited to fig trees because they have limited root structures. Existing fig trees, and peach and hazelnut trees in Plot 101, are grandparented in. A gardener who plans to plant a fig tree must seek prior approval of the steering committee.
Jerusalem artichokes, bronze fennel and marijuana are not permitted. Please remove them if you have them.
Absolutely no pets (excluding service animals), alcohol, drugs, smoking or firearms are permitted at the site. Harassment of gardeners and guests will not be tolerated. No child may be left unattended or unaccompanied on the garden site, including in the bathroom and shed. Parents with children using the park are permitted to use our restroom. Please be sure they leave the garden when they are finished.
Gardeners assigned plots before the season must have done work in the plot before May 15th. In addition, any plot that remains untended (overgrown weeds, rotting produce, etc.) for more than two weeks may be reassigned. If a plot is reassigned the new gardener has two (2) weeks to do some work or until June 1 st , whichever is later. If you are ill, going on vacation, or have a legitimate reason for not being able to tend your plot, please let a Steering Committee member know.
Kentucky Garden is a “no plow” garden. YOU are responsible for cleaning your plot at the end of the season by removing all sticks, string, pots, plastic and so forth by October 31 st unless otherwise in use. In addition, there shall be no gleaning/removing food from any gardener’s plot at any time. Doing so will be grounds for removal from Kentucky
Anyone caught stealing, vandalizing or assisting in theft from the garden will be subject to expulsion and loss of all gardening privileges. No gardener is allowed to do work in another plot without explicit permission from the plot manager or the person to whom the plot is assigned.
If there is a nuisance such as a compost pile in a plot that is attracting rodents, we will take steps to abate it. The Steering Committee shall determine when something is a nuisance.
Fruits, leaf humus, wood chips and other common products: Signs will be posted on how much each gardener is entitled to. One wheelbarrow of leaf humus is allotted per plot if the humus is delivered by the Ohio State Extension. If humus comes from the Kentucky Garden itself, then there are currently no limitations. Wood chips are usually spread on the paths and the amount of fruit (berries, peaches, apples, etc.) is based on the crop size. Please respect the fact that all gardeners want to share the fruit and humus – please do not take more than your share.
The key for the front gate also opens the shed. Remember that safety can be a concern in our garden. Therefore, the front gate must be kept locked at all times. Never leave the lock open and hanging. (We have lost locks in the past in this way and it is very expensive to replace a lock and all of the keys.)
If you lose your key, a replacement will cost $5.00
If someone asks to be admitted to the garden without a key, feel free to ask if they are a gardener – the garden plot map is posted in the shed with names attached to each plot. Gardeners who do not have their keys with them must leave when you do.
Equipment: Power equipment is available for use by gardeners. Please ask for assistance in how to use it.
Tillers are extremely expensive and cannot be replaced easily. Gardeners using the large tillers (there are 2 of these) must be trained in their use. Gardeners who break this equipment due to irresponsible use or abuse will be responsible for paying for repairs and may lose equipment privileges.
Personal Property: Kentucky Garden is not a place to store personal property. Personal property is to be stored in your plot. If you donate any items to the Garden, please remember it shall be considered garden property and will not require your permission to alter or dispose of.
Feel free to contact
Michael Mishaga (216 798-3426 or michaelmishaga@yahoo.com)
Rick Werner (216 543-1969 or rickwerner1959@sbcglobal.net). or
Gail Long (216 272-9115 or long-gail@sbcglobal.net)
with any questions and/or concerns you may have.
Have a great (and abundant) gardening season!
Reviewed 1-18-25