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Lead Soil Sampling

We are fortunate to be teaming with CLASH (Cleveland Lead Advocates for Safe Housing) and the EPA to offer soil sampling for lead at Kentucky Garden on Saturday, July 27th.  This is a service being offered at no cost and can be completed in a short period of time while you wait.  Please follow the link below to learn how to prepare your soil sample.  Any interested individual/family is welcome to participate.  You do not have to be a gardener.  Please feel free to pass this on to your friends and neighbors…

Kentucky Gardens at West 38th and Franklin hosts an EPA SoilSHOP on Saturday, July 27 from 10 AM-1PM. Have your garden or playground soil sampled on site in minutes by EPA staff. Here's how to prepare a soil sample to bring to SoilSHOP on Saturday.

July 20

Market Garden Work Day

August 3

Market Garden Work Day